Martina has been called to do spiritual healing for others at no charge, here is her call to action.
Message from Martina's Angel essence
Jesus has healed you at all levels of your being. Jesus is one with you to the core of your being. This means you will know his pain alongside his love. The pain is the suffering of others you must heal this for them. I am here to fulfill this task with you, no more are we to lie dormant, we will act in accordance to God's will. Your core essence has been empowered to heal others at all levels of their being, her time with Jesus enabled this to come about. Its time to act, people are crying out to be healed. You must not charge for this, you are to be of service, place yourself at the disposal of others. Your healing power is pure, only those that are chosen will be placed in your path, you must trust the process our Lord has laid out for you. Let it be known you are ready to commence your work - Free Spiritual Healing
Martina requires only your full name and your permission for the spiritual healing to take place. It is the Lord's will this is made available. It is through Jesus healing power Martina has been empowered, Jesus only will see that which needs to be healed within your being.